Thursday, August 13, 2015

Things I Wonder About

No formal introduction on this blog.  Let's just get right to it.

1.  Why do some women shave their eyebrows off only to draw them back on?  That has baffled me since childhood.  I didn't understand it then, and I don't understand it now.  That black eyeliner brow you draw on looks like you used a Sharpie on your face.  Stop it!

2.  How does an athlete / entertainer who makes tens or hundreds of millions of dollars go broke?  How does that happen?  Does putting money aside for yourself and family make too much sense?  There's a story in the news about an NFL player, Ryan Broyles, who decided that he and his family would live off $60,000 a year while saving and investing the rest of his millions for their future.  Why is he the exception and not the rule?  I hate reading or hearing stories about people who had small fortunes only to end up broke.  That's just crazy.

3.  How can you be a part of a group of people who has been discriminated against and then discriminate against others?  Let me make it more plain.  How can some Black folks discriminate against other folks?  Let me break it down even further.  As Black people, we have and continue to be subject to racism and prejudice.  So ... how can some of us then turn around and take issue with gay / lesbian / transgender people in their fight for equal and civil rights?  The comments I read and heard from some Black folks (and people, in general, who identify themselves as "Christians") when the Supreme Court upheld gay marriage rights a few weeks ago astounded me.  In the not-so-distant past, people fought to deny Black people basic civil rights.  Shoot, some states are still trying to pass legislation to suppress the Black vote.  How do you look tripping over someone's right to love and marry whomever they choose?  And because God says it's wrong?  You sound like the plantation owner using the Bible to justify the treatment and enslavement of Black folks.  Have a seat.

4.  Why do people act the fool when folks die?  I'm not talking about grief.  I'm talking about sheer, utter, and complete ugliness.  I'm 42 and in my lifetime, I have seen and heard horror stories about messiness and bitter feuds families have when folks die.  For example, Big Mama ain't even buried yet, but folks are fighting over who gets the house or whatever else she owns.  June Bug's funeral is in a couple hours, and Aunt Polly is trying to start some ish by introducing the family to the cousins they never knew they had (ie. June Bug's kids from his "other family").  While there are some things that can be done to help curb the craziness (ie. have a will, have a burial plan, or get a life insurance policy and keep it updated after any major life changes), some folks will still bring the crazy.  It's unfortunate and so unnecessary, too.  Not only do people have to deal with the grief of losing a loved one, but they also have to deal with other people's messiness at a difficult time.

5.  Why is it that when people are messy and you call them on it, they get defensive?  Seriously.  When you are old enough to know wrong is wrong but you still do wrong, why get an attitude when you get called out ... for being WRONG?!?!  Is your messiness supposed to be acceptable?  Are folks supposed to look over you being trifling because ... well, you ARE trifling, and that's what should be expected of you?  Give me a break!  My granddaddy used to always say that a hit dog will holler.  Go to your corner and whimper by yourself.  No one's gonna feel sorry for you for your own self-imposed foolishness.

6.  Why do people get on Facebook and pretend their lives are perfect?  Some of those same people forget there are folks on Facebook who really know them (lol).  My husband refuses to get on Facebook.  Why, you ask?  His reasoning is that he regularly communicates with everyone he needs to, so there's no need to get on Facebook and be "friends" with folks he hasn't seen or spoken to in 10 or 20 years.  He also feels that most of the stuff people post to Facebook is embellished or posted to see how many "likes" are received.  He might be on to something.  Just recently, there was a post on Facebook where someone asked for prayer over the loss of her beloved sister.  I think it's important to tell you this same "beloved sister" had been ill for over five years, and the person asking for prayer had not made any efforts to see or talk to said sister in three years.  But you're on Facebook looking for sympathy?!?!?  Wow.

7.  Why do people trip when you are planning a wedding?  I went through this years ago when my husband and I were planning our wedding, and I have a dear friend going through this now.  People are quick to tell you what you should do or what they want you to do for YOUR wedding, but they haven't offered a dime to fund their requests.  Here's a newsflash.  Not your wedding.  Not about you.  Let the bride and groom do and plan as they please.

8.  Republicans ... how crazy do y'all look with Donald Trump as the leading candidate for your party's nomination for President of the United States?  No need to elaborate further on that one.

9.  Now ... this one hurts me.  Bill Cosby.  Really, dude?!?!?  I grew up watching "Fat Albert" on Saturday mornings, and I have the DVD collection of the show.  I loved watching "The Cosby Show" when it was on TV and have always watched the show in syndication.  I've shared both "Fat Albert" and "The Cosby Show" with my children.  While I didn't want to believe the allegations against Cosby at first, it's hard to deny them now.  I just don't understand.  Bill Cosby?  Rich.  Famous.  Not a bad-looking dude in his young day.  Why in the hell did he have to drug women for sex, and what kind of sick, depraved person do you have to be to do something like that?  I know I don't know Bill Cosby personally, but I feel betrayed.  Damn, Bill.  I'll never be able to watch these shows in the same way again.  Ever.

10.  Why do couples who have been together for 20 years or more separate?  Is it me, or does this seem to be happening more these days?  Does it take 20+ years to realize that your mate wasn't "the one"?  Was the couple waiting for the children to grow up or move out before they separated?  After years of unhappiness, what was that final straw that broke the camel's back?  Do you stay together that long because it's cheaper to keep her (or him)?  20 years, in my opinion, is way too much time to invest in something to let it fail.  This year will make 17 years married and 23 years total I've been with my husband.  There's only one way either of us is leaving this marriage ... somebody's gotta die.

11.  People really make a living impersonating Elvis?

12.  Black Republicans?!?!?

13.  How is it that people who go the the bathroom and leave without washing their hands are surprised when no one eats the dish they bring to the office potluck?

14.  How can you pass a person (on the sidewalk, at the office, or in a hallway), make eye contact, and not smile or say "hi"?  That irritates me because I think it's so rude.  I'm not asking you to strike up a conversation or tell me your life story ... but a "hello", a smile, or a head nod would be nice.

15.  How can any Black person of voting age not vote?  People have marched, protested, and died for your right to vote.  Even now in 2015, some state governments are trying to suppress your right to vote.  If it wasn't so incredibly important, those before us wouldn't have sacrificed themselves for you and people wouldn't be fighting so hard to keep you from doing it.  So get off your butts, register,  and go to the polls.

The things that run through my mind ...


  1. You are on a roll with this one. Keep doing your thing and know you are loved by me. Some of these pertain to me, so I will be reevaluating myself and making some changes. Be blessed. Love you

  2. Hi there, just found your blog and loved it! Love the humor and straight talking. Very entertaining. Looking forward to seeing more.
