Thursday, December 25, 2014

Gimme A Break!!

Last year, Megyn Kelly of FOX News said Santa was White.

This year, folks are on social media having fits over Quvenzhané Wallis playing "Annie" and the possibility of Idris Elba (in all his chocolate goodness) playing James Bond.

Wow!  People are tripping over Blacks portraying FICTIONAL characters.  Really?!?!?  I was never really in to comic books, but I always thought the FICTIONAL character The Green Lantern was Black.  I don't remember folks having much to say when he was portrayed by a White actor a few years ago.

I find all this interesting, especially considering the generational lie about the appearance of Jesus.  People are okay with Jesus being portrayed as a fair-skinned man with long, straight, flowing hair.  But according to scripture, "His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were as a flame of fire; and his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters" (Revelation 1 : 14 and 15).

For the record, I'm not saying Jesus was a Black man ... but He was a man of color.

I took my son to see "Annie" last weekend.  It was a great family movie.  I remember seeing the original movie years ago when I was a child.  I loved both versions.  Why?  Because I take the movie for what it's supposed to be ... entertainment.  People, get over yourselves.  Gimme a break!

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