Sunday, April 1, 2018

My Biggest Pet Peeves

Everyone has them.  I know I most certainly do.  Pet peeves … those things that other folks do or say that will get on your very last nerve.  And once those things have been done, you find yourself giving your pet peeve offenders the stank face, massive eye rolls, or a smart remark.  You may even want to reach out and touch them (lol). 

Below is a list of my biggest pet peeves.

RIP messages on Facebook / social media.  This is a VERY sore subject with me.  True story.  A couple years ago, one of my cousins suffered an aneurysm that eventually took his life.  I was home one Friday evening looking through Facebook, and someone he knew posted an RIP message on his timeline.  My heart sank.  I immediately called my sister and asked if she had heard anything about our cousin passing away.  Long story short … my cousin was still alive when the RIP message was posted!  He was pronounced dead on Facebook a full two days before the doctors could do it.  And because some woman decided she wanted to be the first to report that my cousin had passed away, my cousin’s mother and siblings were getting calls of condolences when he was still very much alive and still fighting for his life.  I can’t even imagine how that must have felt.

When my father-in-law passed away last year, someone posted the news of his death on Facebook before my husband and in-laws even left the hospital.  How tacky is that?

My mother passed away in 2015.  When my sister and I called relatives and friends to let them know, we also told them not to post anything on Facebook or social media until we did.  We did that for a couple reasons.  First … my niece was out of town when my Mama passed away.  We did not want her to find out about her grandmother’s death by seeing and reading a random Facebook post.  Secondly, we just needed some time.  Time to grieve.  Time to process our loss.  Time to be alone and with each other before the crowds came.  We just needed time.  And I will say this … I think that it’s a sad state of affairs that in addition to losing a loved one, folks now have to find it necessary to ask people to respect their privacy and not post anything on social media.  That should be one of the last things people have to think about when they lose someone.  

People who don’t wash their hands when they leave the bathroom.  If you do this, you nasty.  Period.  Putting your hands under water for 2 seconds doesn’t count as hand-washing, either.  And this leads me directly to my next pet peeve …

Office potlucks.  I don’t do ‘em for the exact reason I listed above … folks don’t wash their hands when they leave the bathroom.  Everybody’s hygiene habits ain’t good, and I’m not taking any chances.  If I participate in office potlucks, there are only 2 reasons why … the food is catered or I study the list of who’s bringing what and only partake of the food from folks I know and trust.  You know … like at family reunions (lol).  And isn’t it hilarious how the folks with the bad hygiene habits always seem to wonder why nobody ate their covered dish?  That cracks me up!  I just want to shake and tell them, “Nobody ate your food because YOU NASTY!!!!” 

People who mispronounce my name.  This has been a lifelong pet peeve of mine.  My name is pronounced “Ahn-dree-ah” … not “ANNNNNNNN-dree-ah”.  “ANNNNNNNN-dree-ah” is the equivalent of fingernails scratching a chalkboard to me.  If you mispronounce my name once (or even a couple times), I’ll correct you, but if you continue, you might as well be talking to a wall because I won’t even acknowledge you.  I’m so serious.  It ain’t what you call me, but it’s what I answer to.  I answer folks who take the time to learn the correct pronunciation of my name.  My name is not that difficult to read or say.

It's pronounced "AHN-dree-ah".  Get it right!
Rubberneckers.  I don’t get this.  If an accident has occurred on the opposite side from your lane of travel, why does your lane slow down, too?  I have never understood people’s fascination with accidents to the point that they slow down traffic to look at what happened.  Thank your lucky stars that you are okay, say a prayer the others involved in the accident will be okay, and keep it moving.

People who carry on multiple conversations when they are on the phone with me.  This annoys me so much.  If you called to talk to me, then why are you carrying on conversations with other folks?!?!?  Did you call to talk to me or to everybody?  The only people who get a pass from me are folks with young kids because it never fails that kids always seem to want your undivided attention as soon as you pick up the phone, try to relax, etc.  But if you are trying to carry on a conversation with me, the person taking your carryout order, and a random person you see walking on the street, then call me back when you aren’t so distracted. 

People who invade my personal space.  This happens to me frequently when I’m in a check-out line.  I’m standing behind my cart and then I feel someone breathing on my neck … figuratively, of course, but they are still too freakin’ close for my comfort.  And no matter where or how I try to move to get away from these people, they move when I move.  I value my personal space, and I don’t need strangers all up in it.  Back up and gimme 3 to 5 feet.  Please and thank you.

People who always have to one-up you.  We all know someone like this.  No matter how happy or miserable you are, they always have an example or reason why they are happier or more miserable than you … like it’s a contest or something.  ANNOYING!!!

What are some of your pet peeves?

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