Friday, May 12, 2017

My Mothers' Day Grief

Not all of us will be celebrating Mothers’ Day this Sunday.  For some of us, Sunday will be a day of great sadness as we try to cope with the fact that our mothers are no longer here with us.

This will be my second Mothers’ Day without Mama.  Last year was especially hard, as all the “firsts” after a loved one’s death tend to be.  While my husband and kids made plans for me and went out of their way to make the day special for me, there were times during the day that were tear-filled and just downright painful.  I wasn’t then and I still am not at the place where memories of Mama bring smiles instead of tears.  Thoughts of how much I miss Mama are what really consumes me.   

I don’t know what it is about this year, but folks started in with all the Mothers’ Day tributes early … almost like how retailers these days have started to put out Christmas items even before Halloween comes.  For the last couple weeks, people have changed their profile pictures on Facebook with the “I Love Mom” or “Mom and Me” filters.  While I have never considered myself to be the jealous type, I found myself envious of those that have the good fortune of still having their mothers around.  A word of advice to you.  Cherish every single second.  Cherish all the time you have with your mom while she’s still with you.

I’m still not sure what I’m doing on Sunday, but I do know a couple things I won’t be doing.  For starters, I’ll be logging off all social media on Sunday.   I’ll save myself from having to see all the posts of Mothers’ Day pictures, poems, and celebrations.  I also won’t be going to church (although I don’t go much these days anyway, but I digress).  I don’t want to hear the “virtuous woman” scripture.  Surely there will be some song the choir would sing or a special Mothers’ Day sermon that will open up the flood gates for me.  I don’t want a church member to come up to me and give me the “poor baby” look and try to squeeze a cry out of me.  I can do without that.

To all those who are in the same boat with me, I’ll say a special prayer for us to make it through Mothers’ Day unscathed.

Instead of dwelling on the emptiness and sadness I feel over the loss of my Mama, I’ll try my best to concentrate on celebrating being the mother of my two beautiful children.  They will be my reasons to smile on Sunday … and every day after.


  1. I hope you have a beautiful day with your loved ones. I believe your Mother is smiling down on you from heaven.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I know this feeling all to well! This will be my 18th year without my mother on Mother's Day. I also have not been blessed with motherhood yet. So please take some comfort in the love your children and husband will shower you with this weekend. Sending love, light, prayers and my upmost understanding. I know your mom is SUPER proud of you! Happy Mother's Day! ������������

  4. As always, right on point! Thank you.

  5. My dear friend, I wish I could tell you it gets better with time. My Mom, God bless and rest her soul has been gone 22 years. I am tearing up as I write this, she was my best friend as well as my Mom. I miss her every day,when something good or bad happens, I still want to call her. We are celebrating tomorrow and I am working Sunday to distract myself. I wish you love and comfort in knowing you are a beautiful reflection of your Mother's love. God bless you and your family.

  6. I know how you feel. This will be the first Mother's Day without my mom, and the 10 month anniversary of her death. I,like you, will be logging off social media tomorrow. I will be going to church though. It's what we would have done if she was still here. I will also enjoy my time with my children. Sending prayers and strength your way.
