Tuesday, March 28, 2017

My "No Negativity" Challenge

Please allow me this moment of transparency. 

Sometimes (okay … a LOT of times), I can be very self-conscious about myself and the way I look.  This is an issue I’ve had for 40+ years, so this is indeed a very hard habit to break.  It may start off when I look in the mirror and not like the image looking back at me.  Then it may be compounded when I go to put on an outfit that may be fitting a little more snuggly than it did the last time I wore it.  And then it always ends with me saying something negative about myself.

I have decided that 40+ years of being my own worst critic is 40 years too long.  Enough is enough.  Why not love on myself and change the narrative?  So, that’s exactly what I’m going to do.  From now on, I will make the conscious effort to concentrate on the good and the beauty I see.  No more negativity.

There are two reasons I need to do this.  One, I simply need to stop beating myself up.  All the negative self-talk can be a heavy burden to bear, and I have tired myself out from the toll it has taken on me over the years.  Secondly and most importantly is that my daughter is watching me.  I have always made sure I never say anything negative about myself in front of her because I don’t want her doing that.  I don’t want her caught up in this vicious, self-defeating cycle. 

I know I am not the only woman who does this.  In talking with friends, we all have done this to ourselves at one time or another.  And sometimes it can be so intrinsic and automatic that we don’t even realize what we are doing to ourselves. 

So, I want to issue a challenge to you today.  Whenever you have a negative thought about yourself, send that thought back to the pits of hell from whence it came.  Whatever you have to do to hype yourself up and remind yourself of your Queen status, DO IT!!!!  Keep a favorite photo of yourself nearby to remind yourself of who you are.  Find a theme song or some hype music.  Blast the hell out of it and walk around like you are Muhammad Ali and about to go into a boxing ring and kick negativity’s ass!  Just do it!

No more negativity.  More self-love and care.

I created my own hype video to remind myself of my QUEEN status.
(Music by Alicia James "Love Me So Naturally")


  1. As I stand in the mirror with 2 black eyes, a busted nose and swollen lips from beating myself up, I sincerely accept the challenge. You are so on point with this much needed reality moment. I love you girlie!!!

    1. Thanks, Michelle. Love you back! 😘

      I have to do and be better about this. NO MORE NEGATIVITY!!!
