Tuesday, November 8, 2016

6 Things This 2016 Election Cycle Have Confirmed For America

It’s Election Day, everybody.  Hallelujah, and praise the Lord!!!  I have never been so ready for an election cycle to be over.  Never in my life have I ever seen a political season that’s been as ugly, scandalous, or embarrassing as this one.  America, your dirty draws are showing, and it’s not a good look.  (And, yes.  I said draws and not underwear.)

This election cycle has confirmed several things about people for me, which I will state below.

First and foremost, it has been confirmed that our actions indeed have consequences.  Case in point … for the last 8 years, the GOP has been so steadfast in their mission to destroy the legacy of President Obama that what they have successfully done is lose control of their party.  Eight years of blocking legislation the President has tried to pass.  Eight years of boldly declaring what they weren’t going to do come hell or high water (ie. not even waiting for Scalia’s body to get cold before announcing they would block anyone President Obama nominated for the Supreme Court).  Eight years of blatant disrespect, like the congressman from South Carolina shouting out “You lie!” in the middle of a State of the Union address.  Do we really have to wonder how or why Donald Trump’s message of racial division has resonated with so many people?  The popularity of Trump is a direct result of the GOP’s decision to work to take out a President when they should have been working to serve the people who elected them to office.

Secondly, that whole theory of America being a post-racial society after we elected the country’s first Black president was a bunch of bullshit.  I mean really, y’all.  Let’s not sugar-coat this.  A post-racial environment is one where folks are supposed to live freely without the fear or condition of racial preference, prejudice, or discrimination.  Look at all the hate that has been stirred up in this country.  All the folks that used to be closet racists are suddenly feeling empowered to the point where they are freely expressing themselves in words and action.  America still has a long way to go before we can truly say we are a post-racial society.  It’s an ugly truth, and America should be ashamed.  The world is watching us. 

We’ve also seen that while there may be one set of rules, the same rules can and are applied differently to certain people. 

Can you imagine what would have happened if President Obama had done any of these things?  Well, actually I can imagine … because he wouldn’t have been president.  I am absolutely astounded at the fact that some people are willing to turn a blind eye to everything Donald Trump has said and done … or not done.  The hypocrisy of the GOP and their faithful followers is mind-blowing. 

Here’s another.  Silence or inaction is acceptance.  Trump has been openly endorsed by the KKK.  Just last week, a Black church in Mississippi mysteriously caught fire and was spray painted with a “Vote Trump” sign.  Did Trump come out and speak against these things?  No.  So … what kind of message is he sending?  That was rhetorical, by the way … ‘cause we know the truth.

Another thing that has been confirmed is that America still has issues with matters dealing with women’s equality.  Whether we like it or not, Hillary Clinton is the most qualified of the candidates to be the POTUS.  She was the First Lady for 8 years and saw firsthand what it takes to be President.  She was a US Senator.  She was Secretary of State.  But according to some polls, the race for President is a dead heat.  Really?  She, being the most qualified candidate, may lose the job to a man with no absolutely political experience?  Why is this race even close? 
And last but definitely not least … Michelle Obama.  I’ve said it a million times before, and I will say it a million times more.  There will NEVER be another First Lady like her.  She’s the most educated FLOTUS we’ve ever had, holding degrees from Princeton and Harvard.  She’s beautiful.  She’s elegant.  She’s a force of nature like we have never seen before.  She gives a speech that can move a crowd so much that even Melania Trump had to “borrow” some lines.   Michelle didn’t just break the FLOTUS mold.  She shattered it.  She is #BlackGirlMagic personified, and we love her for it.

Stay strong, y’all.  We’re nearing the end of this election cycle.  I’m praying it’s one we’ll be able to recover from.  


  1. Wow cuz this is powerful and deep! Everyone should read this!

    1. Thanks, Napoleon. I try to call it as I see it. :-)
