Friday, May 11, 2018

My Mother's Day Wish List

Mother's Day is right around the corner.  Let’s face it.  Mother's Day is big business for some retailers.  Flowers, cards, jewelry, etc.  Those are all nice gifts, but the list of things I want for Mother's Day is quite simple and very inexpensive.

I want to be able to sleep late.  It seems like every morning, I’m up by 4 or 5am … even on my days off.  I just want to be able to sleep late and wake up only when my eyes pop open or I have to get up and go pee.  Whichever happens first.

I want to have those “Bewitched” magical powers for a day.  You know what I’m talking about.  I want to be able to wiggle my nose, nod my head, and blink, and my entire house will be automatically clean.  I’d love for all my family’s laundry to be done, folded, and put away with the snap of my fingers.  Scratch that.  Shoot, I want those powers every day.

A nap.  A nice, long, uninterrupted nap sounds like heaven.

I want my soon-to-be five-year old daughter to come to the realization that she can also ask her Daddy and big brother for a drink or snack.  I swear she acts like I am the only one who can do things for her.  Do snacks taste better when I make them or something?  I wonder.

I want some uninterrupted quiet time.  I would love to be able to go to the bathroom and not have an audience.  I would love to be able to watch TV or read a book in peace.  It’s interesting how at the exact time when I’m comfortable and ready to relax is also the same exact time that my children want and demand my undivided attention.

I don’t anyone asking me, “What for dinner?”  Because the answer will be, “whatever you cook or order for carryout.”  I'm not cooking a ding-dang thing on Mothers' Day.

Another nap.  I swear.  I could never get enough of those.

I’d be willing to bet a lot of moms would love to be gifted with the items on this list, too.  (lol)

Happy Mother's Day!

Mother's Day 2014 ... my first with both my kids.

My Babies!!!